Sheri Linsky

SheriLinksyMay of 2015 I was having chest pain and heart palpitations and had been having them consistently for about 6 months at that point. I pretty much knew I was in aFib and ignored it mostly because I was scared and I knew the answer would be 'Oh well, you're fat. Lose weight and you will be better'. It finally came to a head one day and I knew I needed to go to the emergency room. I was right, I was in aFib and was admitted to the hospital. It was very lucky that I didn't have a blood clot and after a day in the hospital I finally agreed to a cardio version. I had put that off because they had me on medication to get back in rhythm and I thought we should give that a chance to work first. The cardio version worked and I was back in normal rhythm. Of course this all came with a lecture about my weight but everyone was much kinder than I expected. I think the person that was the hardest on me was myself.About a week later I went back into aFib so medication was increased and I had to have another cardio version. I was finally back in rythm and have been ever since. It was concluded that my aFib was caused by sleep apnea and that was caused by my weight.While all this was going on I started thinking about weight loss surgery since I had been on weight watchers for years, all while losing and gaining but never quitting. So in the summer of 2015 I went to my first seminar and made the decision to have gastric bypass surgery. I had surgery January 2016 and have lead a much healthier life since then.My aFib is gone (although I am still on heart meds) and my sleep apnea is gone. I have lost 120 lbs thanks to this tool and this amazing family that we have here. This journey has been amazing and I am so glad that I get to share it all with you!!


Elaine "Laney" Key


Harl Davidson