Strut Proud In The Light

Life’s not black and white….. Our journeys aren’t black and white…..Its not one or the other…….or all or nothing…….it’s colorful….like a peacock…….you CAN have it all….like a peacocks plume, it’s about color balance. It’s bright, it walks with its head high. It’s unique, it’s YOUR STORY! WRITE IT! OWN IT! LOVE IT! HATE IT! JUST DON’T STOP LIVING IT! This is why we don’t judge here! We value EACH UNIQUE STORY! Most WLS groups use the OWL (ongoing weight loss) as their mascot. OWLS hide in the dark. They hunt food in the dark. They’re constantly asking WHO? Who’s better? Who’s stronger? Who knows more? Who’s lost more? FAMILY’S mascot is the PEACOCK! Each bird slightly different but beautiful. They prefer life in a flock. They don’t hide in the dark, but strut colorful and sure all day long. They don’t hide in the night nor hide their food choices. A peacock NEVER says WHO…….a peacock says FAMILY.


Gail’s Running Tips


Let’s Reflect